This site is operated and funded by members of our class.
Class Administrator: Peter Cress
Page Hits: 37,325
50 Year Reunion Announcement!
65th Year Happenings Please ignore the date below. A future date is needed for this announcement section.
Welcome To The Amphi '58 Website
Check the site for class news and information about our classmates.
Remember if you change your e-mail address PLEASE send that information to Pete at [email protected]
And if you have not done your bio for the class website, don't you think it's about time? You've read what others have been doing, they would like to know what you've been doing.
Classmates love the newsletter. It can only continue if stories are sent to Ken Wright [email protected]
Putting together our class meetings and gathering information about our classmates takes time and effort. Some of those who have helped are shown in the falling photos above. Can you help? Let us know at [email protected]
Class Newsletter
We have sent out some newsletters. They're a good way to keep up with reunion planning and, of course, some of those tales from our high school days. There are more newsletters to come, so if you have some humorous memories from those high school days, send them to either [email protected] or directly to our newsletter editor, Ken Wright at [email protected].
If you haven't received a newsletter, we don't have your current address. Please go the the class web site and fill in your information or email us at [email protected]. You don't want to miss those good stories about our high school days.
We Hope You Had A Good Time At The Reunion - Your Reunion Committee
(Who are those people in the falling pictures above?) Members of the Reunion Committee: Jean Blaney-Ciampi, Pete Cress, Judy Fuller-Terlizzi, Glenn Gilmore, Patzi Hughes, Jackie Kelso-Bailey, Gene Mahler-Merchant, Chuck Maynard, Bill Mortimer, Manny Nagore, Jewell Pearson-Fuller, Bob Polston, Dale Sage-Wright, Eugene Settle, Don Shelton, Eugene Sherman, Robert Smith, Sam Sutton, Suzanne Tilden-Mortimer, Robert Townsend, Jim &Laura Gray-Walters, Ruth Warskow-Schaller, Tom Wilmore, Ben&Connie Witt and Ken Wright (publisher of the Panther Pause Newsletter).
Thank You For Your Support Of This Class Website
Thank you for supporting this class web site over the last couple of years. We hope that this web site has given you some enjoyable remembrances of our high school years and renewed friendships with our classmates.
Because we have donations to support the web site through the end of our 50th year since graduation (50 years since graduation, ouch!), we no longer need to make contributions for the web site support. One of those few cases where it pays to be a senior. In this case, the firm that provides the web site structure, waves the payment requirements for support of our web site after we pass our 50th year. Yipee! Save up your money for the next reunion. Thanks again.
4/14/2009 Annual reunion lunch on April 4, 2009
43 classmates and spouses met for lunch at Zona in Tucson on April 4. Thanks to everyone for keeping these reunions going by attending. We enjoyed good food, chatting and meeting up with a f
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10/26/2008 50th Year Reunion - Lunch
Here are some pictures of the 50th Year Reunion luncheon on Friday. The pictures were taken by Robert Townsend and Allan Kitterman. The banner was designed by Robert and framed by Jim Walter
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10/26/2008 50th Year Reunion - Dinner In The Desert
Here are some pictures of the 50th Year Reunion Dinner. The scene: The Last Territory Saloon, Sundown, something is about to happen. People are approaching from across the country. This i
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The following classmates attended 1958's La Posada October 25, 2009 Reunion Dinner:
Calvin and Garnet Blackman Schilt, Judy Carol Fuller-Terlizzi, Glenn Gilmore, Ed and Marie Goodman, Patzi Hughes, Larry and Susan Lane, Larry and Carolyn Long, Chuck and Susan Maynard, Ike McDonald, Fred Montgomery, Bill and Suzanne Tilden-Mortimer, Manny Nagore, Jewell Pearson-Fuller, Bill Illig, Bob Polston, Ron and Nancy Ruhl, Ivan and Fran Russell, Dale Sage-Wright, Gene Settle, Eugene and Dottie Sherman, Bob Smith, Sam and Joyce Sutton, Robert and Myrta Townsend, Jim and Laura Walters, Tom Wilmore and Sonja Palmer, Ben and Connie Witt, and Ken Wright. Check the Class Message Board below for some photos.
Ike McDonald hosted this event, Glenn Gilmore and Gene Settle were door greeters, Robert Townsend furnished the welcome banner, and Jewell, Dale, Patzi and Judy Carol manned the greeting table.
Thanks to Manny Nagore and the committee for bringing our classmates together once more. Surprise drink tickets were a nice touch and great Tucson weather made the patio a perfect setting for a reunion cocktail hour. Later, we lined up for food and then dined inside the restaurant. Classmates reminisced about high school days, told jokes, and were just plain happy to see each other, all of which reiterates our theme .... "Keep In Touch."
Door Prize Winners:
Bill Mortimer was happy to get dinner for two at El Minuto
Larry Long won dinner for two at El Corral
Carolyn Long won a gift certificate for Gadabout
Ken Wright won a dinner for two at Pinnacle Peak
Annual Spring Reunion Lunch 2009
43 classmates and spouses met for lunch at Zona in Tucson on April 4, 2009. Thanks to everyone for keeping these reunions going by attending. We enjoyed good food, chatting and meeting up with a few classmates we have not seen at other events. Our plan is to make this lunch an annual affair so classmates who might be traveling to Arizona can have the option of attending. Please keep checking this webpage for reunion information.
What did you think about the reunion, Fall 2008?
Send your thoughts about the reunion and any other news to Ken Wright ([email protected]). We would like your thoughts about the reunion for inclusion in the newsletter. No news, no newsletter.
Over but not forgotten - Amphi 50th Year Reunion, 2008 at El Conquistador Hotel and Resort
Thanks to everyone who came to our Amphi 50th Reunion . It was the huge turnout that made this three day gathering exceptional along with classmate contributions including those of the committee. Folks who took to the microphone, and others who passed out prizes, hosted the various events and held down greeting tables made this reunion shine. Special thanks to Sam Sutton for working on discount room fees for out of town classmates and thanks to Manny Nagore and Bill Mortimer for setting up the Amphi Reunion bank account and Patzi Hughes who makes it balance.
Memorable moments:
Turnout at the Meet and Greet was more than we could have hoped. 125 classmates came including spouses and graduates from other years. A visit from Roger Taylor, who most of us have not seen in 50 years, was one surprise and then just as we thought all classmates were in the room, Gil Munoz appeared.
Forty classmates went on the school tour and visit to the Dairy Queen. Looking at those photos makes me and Bill regret very much not being there. His back was giving him fits from an old bull injury that happened during his clown days; “She kicked me,” he said like there was nothing to it and my Achilles tendons have gone south from wearing high heels most of my adult life and a sports injury from bicycling LA and running in Phoenix, so we were toast by then and needed to regroup for the remaining events!
Dinner turnout came to 75 classmates which added up to 105 party goers including spouses. The food was excellent and the weather perfect. Things got off to a great start with Bill announcing from the podium and Barbara Barrett-Hyde giving our welcome prayer. Gene Mahler Merchant followed with a moving tribute to the deceased classmates, including a banner with their photos which she designed and brought to each event. Our reunion banner hung over the podium. It was designed by Robert Townsend who also did our logo, drawing can and Pete’s award. Jim Walters framed the banner in various ways so it could welcome classmates at each event. He also had the committee table-top thank you printed and put at each place setting.
Rick Wilson gave a rousing welcome speech and Ken promised more Panther Pause Newsletters. Ike was entertaining along with Fred Montgomery, Paul Crawford, Judy Tiemann-Larson and Judy Carol Fuller-Terlizzi. Eugene Settle was perfect along with his daughter in handling the door prizes with help from the effervescent Joyce Van Reenen-Irving and Ruth Warskow-Schaller. Thanks to Sam Sutton and Bob Polston for getting out the green door prize tickets! Props to Laura Walters for prizes from the Amphi bookstore and Jewell Pearson-Fuller, Connie Witt and Dale Sage-Wright for decorations. It was a sea of green pom-poms, clever M&Ms in elegant snifters and lots of work which we all appreciate. We thank Bob Smith and Eugene Sherman for taking care of the t-shirt orders and Manny Nagore for making sure orders of visors and polos got to the right people.
We loved the award given by Dan Peck to Pete Cress and again none of this reunion stuff could happen without a classmate name and address resource like our webpage that has been years in the making. (Friendly reminder) If you have not posted a bio please do and add family photos. The Memory Book was pulled from the webpage with a compilation of additional photos added. Thanks to Jim Walters for getting it printed and out to the classmates with mailings by Manny.
Lunch turnout totaled 95. The food was not so good but certainly the dessert and atmosphere was. Thanks to Nancy and Ron Rhul for holding down the greeting table, Ken for hosting, Ben and Connie Witt and Ed Goodman for passing out the door prizes after Don Shelton had made certain everyone had green tickets!
A great way to end was by attending the Amphi Homecoming Game and thanks to Patzi Hughes for spearheading this event. It was very special being there again, our welcome banner on the 50 yard line and us females wearing those spectacular mums that Barrett-Hyde made for this occasion. We all wished that we had brought at least one of the pom-poms and thanks to Jim, I did get my photo taken with the panther mascot!
Look Who Came To The Reunion.
Here are some of those who came to the reunion. Carol Ann Adair-Hubbard, Wayne & Barbara Barrett Hyde, Calvin &Garnet Blackman Schilt, Fred & Jean Blaney-Ciampi, Ruth Ann Brockhoff-Kelly, Larry & Patti Brosh (57), Ken & Mary Ann Burge-Botkin, Susan Carleton-Doody, Paul & Carol Crawford, Peter and Cathy Cress, Charles Davis (guest), Bill and Betty Emerson-Kirkpatrick, Judy Fuller-Terlizzi, Glenn Gilmore, Joyce Glover-Heintz, Ed & Marie Goodman, John & Kay Hockenberry-Nelson, Patzi Hughes (winner first in), Carl & Jackie Kelso-Bailey, Jim & Gene Mahler-Merchant, Chuck and Susan Maynard, Allyn & Dorothy McAdoo-Kyes, Thomas & Barbara Johnson-McShea, J. Ike McDonald, Fred & Elizabeth Montgomery, Bill Mortimer & Suzanne Tilden-Mortimer, Al & Rae Murphy-Barbuscia, Manny Nagore, Skip Whitway (guest), Jim Oesterling, Jewell Pearson-Fuller, Dan & Julie Peck, Patricia Petras-Beckwith, Bob Polston, Ron & Nancy Ruhl, Fran & Ivan Russell, Dale Sage-Wright, Lewis & Judy Schneidmiller-Bishop, Rod Senter, Don & Rosalie Shelton, Gene Sherman & Dotty Patremio, Bob Smith, Lewis Stafford, Sam & Joyce Ballard-Sutton, Linda Thurston-Bird, Judy Tieman-Larson, Joyce Van Reenen-Irving, Jim and Laura Gray-Walters, Ruth Warskow-Schaller, Thomas Wilmore & Sonja Palmer, Rick & Anne Wilson, Ben & Connie Witt, Tom Witt, Ken Wright, John Butler, Benny & Nancy Foss-Bingham, Allan Kitterman, Gene & Jackie Schlepp, Larry and Kathy Maynard, Larry and Susan Lane, Vernon and Meri Mauzy, Robert and Myrta Townsend, Charlie & Carolyn Osborn, Gene Settle, Everett and Leona Armstrong Pearson, Jim and Patty Dugan Glover, Larry & Carolyn Long, Julia Clawson-Rosenhan, Harold & Barbara Majesky, Bob and Janet Patterson.
Photos Of The Events
Photos taken at the events can be seen by selecting the following links or by selecting items in the Class News section. If you have photos that you would like to share, send them to Suzanne Tilden Mortimer. In the following links, Suzanne has compiled some of the photos sent in by Townsend, Kitterman and Kelso.
Use the map below to see where classmates are located. Click on a house to see who lives there. Use the scale on the left to zoom in and out. In the upper right corner, you can select whether to display as a street map, satellite image or a combination of the two. You can move the map around by selecting a place on the map (other than a house), left mouse click and hold and move the map around. Well now, look at the Tucson folks. They didn't go very far from the nest, did they.
Addresses have been obtained from Internet directories and rounded to the nearest block number. If you want to see your house more closely, go to the web site and put in your address (ie. 123 Street, Tucson, Az) in the entry location at the top of the page.
If you want to change your address on this class web site (correct it, removed it from the map, etc.), email me at [email protected].
Those Who Have Left Us - We Miss Them
This list contains those classmates that we know of who are deceased. We miss them. We're glad that we knew them.
Our Class Message Board
Your participation is requested!
We would like to hear from you. Post your messages here.
After graduation I attended the U of A majoring in Nursing for 2 years. I met my future husband, Allyn, there and we were married in April, 1960. Allyn graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering in 1960 and we began our life together. Allyn's work took us to White Sands Missile range near Las Cruces, New Mexico, Hughes Aircraft in Tucson, the paper mill at Snowflake, Arizona, and to the Idaho National Engineering Lab, near Idaho Falls, Idaho, where we have lived for 33 years.
I was blessed to be able to be a stay at home Mom for our 5 children, Sandra, Janice, Jill, Allyn Jr., and Jennifer. All are married and have given us the 9 most beautiful, smart, and wonderful grandchildren in the world. We are blessed that all the families live in Idaho except Allyn Jr.and his family, who live in Florida.
We retired in 1999 and and are enjoying it immensely. We have had 3 great adventures: one, a 7 week trip to Alaska, two, a trip to Europe that found us in Paris on September 11, 2001. That was a scary and disconcerting experience to be over there on that day and the week or so following, and three, a motorhome trip to the northeastern US and into Canada as far as Nova Scotia in 2007. Either by car or motorhome we have travelled to all 49 states that can be driven to, but have never made it to Hawaii. We enjoy travelling and seeing new places, and keeping up with our family.
We are looking forward to the reunion and re-connecting with my 1958 classmates.
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"Just discovered your product today while trying to locate classmates ahead of our 50th reunion in 2020. The fact that you did this in a noncommercial manner in a world where everything has a price tag deserves recognition and respect, in my view.
Thank you and good luck in all your endeavors."
"THANKYOU so much for handling this for us! We are so appreciative! It looks GREAT!"
"Thank YOU for helping us get the word out! I've posted a link to the website on our FB group page and vigorously encouraged other classmates to contribute"
"Your site is amazing. Kudos to you and your staff. You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions."
"Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. We greatly appreciate your wonderful support."
"Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious spirit."
"Thanks guys, you are Good!!"
"I love your service and will continue to support you."
"We have been using the website for more than 10 years now. It's still the best website out there for classmates to meet, collect their info and advertise their reunions. Thanks for inventing it all!"
"Thank you for your assistance. It was very helpful. Looks good!"
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